Sunday 27 January 2008

Re: Steven Burke

Steven Burkes was probably not aware how important his statement would turn out to be. First let me correct a couple of things he says. The Cellar Bar never ever had 4 or 5 Doorman working at the same time any day of the week. Three was the most we had on. He goes on to describe the incident with the TV, his version differs from all the others, Sewell himself, describes me as having a joke about it with him. In his 1st taped interview this is what Sewell says, “then what happened later on in the evening is I got up off my seat and the television from behind me fell down and hit me on the back. The bouncers come over and err I explained to them that just fell off and hit me and they said that's no problem, They did joke about say oh you shouldn't chuck tables about but in all good humour, you know not causing any trouble at all”.
Quite a different picture to the one been painted by the young Mr Burke. Remember Burke along with Mandy Groom and others who I will introduce in due time are the 1st to be interviewed. They lit the fuse that would eventually explode the bomb….. It may seem trivial to you, but for me Steven Burke letting his imagination run away with him had far reaching consequences. Off the top of my head I don’t know how many people actually witnessed me taking Gorman out of the club but I will make a guess at about 20+. So where does Burkes descriptions differ from all those other witnesses? In his statement he says I actually head butted Gorman before taking him out. How is it that all the other witness statements, some in quite good detail miss that most significant event out? (Cos it didn’t bloody happen Steven). Again I go back to the fact that Burke and others sat about for hours discussing the evening’s events. He says “Me Simon FOX, Roddy, Paul the Manager and another barmaid and Jason the glass collector all sat down and tried to sort out what had gone on. I forgot to say a barman called lan was also present. We were all pissed off because the night had been ruined”.
They all knew or had seen me throw Gorman out, they all knew I had a fight with Sewell and had seen me covered in blood and they all knew it was Gorman who had been killed and of course they were all aware I had been arrested for it. So what did they do? They put 2 and 2 together and solved a fucking murder inquiry on their own. Well done the fucking lot of you. Excuse my occasional outburst it’s been a while since I read much of this. So if Steven Burke’s mistake wasn’t bad enough let me go on and explain some of the repercussions it had. The thing that stands out for me personally apart from the fact it wasn’t true was this, the pathologist based his second opinion on the cause of death on the information he had been given in that Gorman received a broken nose due to a head butt by me at the Cellar Bar. I want to add there was not one single statement that said Gorman had ANY injuries whatsoever in or around the Cellar Bar. I remember my solicitor telling me at court that the CPS were going to continue the prosecution solely against me, based on the second examination. So the Pathologist report was based on false information to start with, Stephen Burkes statement. The CPS were going to ignore the actual assault on Gorman by the three men who chased after him. Anyway read Stephen Burkes statement. Stephen I hope you are able to read through it again does it still ring true or do you at last realize what a balls up you made that night?
Burke your name certainly fits.

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