Sunday 17 February 2008

RE: My last interview before been charged with Murder.

I have jumped from my 1st to my 4th and last interview. The only reason apart from they take so long to copy, is there is nothing of note in the 2nd and 3rd interviews. I continued to say I only left the club once. I want to get more witness statements posted first
Please bear in mind this is a Murder inquiry and a normal person should presume all avenues of enquiry would be open to investigation. Well you would wouldn’t you? So why weren’t they?
Just try and imagine that your interviewing a suspect for a brutal murder. What sort of questions would you ask? I know if I had been trying to get to the bottom of things it wouldn’t have been like any of my interviews.
Shelley Mitchelson the girl who comes closest to the attack describes one of the assailants as wearing a blue and white hooped rugby shirt. Was I or for that matter ANYONE ever questioned about it at that time? The answer is a resounding NO, NEVER. In any of my 4 taped interviews was I ever asked if I spoke to Sewell immediately prior to the attack, remember Sewell stated the attackers spoke to him and Gorman first. NO NEVER. I was only ever made aware that Rod Moore had in fact been chasing me ten minutes before the end of my final interview. 15 minutes before the end I’m told I’m supposed to have been with Karl. Four months into the investigation, when things were going wrong for the Police and after being released from prison I’m then told I’m supposed to have been with Gary Withers a man I did not even know. I will speak more about Withers when I discuss the blue and white hooped rugby shirt later. I hope you can see how co-operative I was when I’m asked about ID parades. I didn’t have anything to hide. I was also adamant about forensic evidence, something that proved right much later.
Let me clear up the bit about drugs, I had taken both steroids and speed in the past, I was honest and open about it I had not taken speed for over 4 months and I had not taken steriods for more like 18 months. My blood was taken when I was 1st arrested, I presume to see whether I had infact taken any. The results were negative for all drugs and negative for alcohol. I will post results later.

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