Monday 7 April 2008

Re: The 2nd Pathologist report

I have a couple of very important observations regarding this second report. Firstly his report is based on the WRONG information, given to him by the Police. He says Gorman received a broken nose due to an alleged headbutt outside the club. Without being examined at the nightclub how could anyone say he had a broken nose. A witness wrongly stated I head butted Gorman before I threw him out, but there was NOT one statement taken that said Gorman had any sign of an injury when he left the area of the Cellar Bar. Even Gary Sewell said he didn’t see any injuries on Gorman when they walked away together. I mentioned that because in a closed session of the court the CPS talked about dropping charges against Karl and withers and continuing the prosecution solely against me based on this report. I hope that sounds as unbelievable to you as it did to me, but it’s true. This again just shows a total disregard of the evidence. The prosecution ignored the witnesses that said Gorman was knocked down the stairs by Tony Crown and the beating Gorman received by the 3 unknowns. Again how were they ever going to prove Gorman received a broken nose inside the club? In any event they confounded everyone by changing tack again and only pursued Karl.
Something that was never followed up after this report and in my opinion should have been. The suggestion that Gorman may have inhaled drugs. Remember Gary Sewell in his interviews and his statement said how together him Gorman and Robert White had gone to Sewell’s house to pick up an inhaler Sewell had for his asthma. It isn’t beyond the realms of possibility that Gorman may have used it and had some form of reaction to it. If the Police had had their eye on the ball this might have sounded alarm bells to them. As with most things in this case if it didn’t point to me they ignored it.

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