Wednesday 6 February 2008

RE:Gary Sewell 2nd Interview

I want to go over the Gary Sewell interview but before I do let me 1st talk about 1 of the Officers conducting it, Detective Sergeant peter newton. I realize that should be capital p, capital n. I have no respect for the man and can’t bring myself to show any. If this investigation failed it was for one reason and one reason alone, DS peter newton. You see you could say we went way back. I had had numerous run ins with mr newton and he always came off second best. How best to describe him without offending all the short fat bastards in the world. peter newton was a copper from the old school, a short overweight chain smoking plod who would never have advanced to the dizzy heights of Detective Sergeant in today’s modern Police Force. Hardly an athlete he would probably break into a sweat at the mere mention of the word “jog”. He probably thought all his Christmases had come at once when he heard my name mentioned along with the Murder. I’m not going to sit here and make out I know everything but I can imagine mr newton taking the call and immediately reaching for some blinkers and cotton wool. He wasn’t going to let ANYBODY convince him it wasn’t me. I would be surprised if newton didn’t have money on it being me. He would definitely be one of the 1st to be shouting it from the rooftops. All I’d like to say to him now is “hey pete you’ve still got some egg on ya chin”.
Back to the interview with Sewell. If DS newton was doing his job properly how did he miss the fact that Sewell said when asked by him about the colour of the attacker’s hair
Do you know the colour of their hair?
I'd say that was black, dark brown.
Dark hair.
All three? I mean were they neat haircuts? You know people who'd been to Barbers like you, got fairly neat haircuts or not?

For those that don’t know me my hair is blond. He asked about different names who might have been the attackers but never mine, why was that peter?
Picture this; you’ve got a man who’s the friend of the dead man. He claims the attackers came up and spoke to him before killing his mate. In custody you’ve got someone who is the main suspect who your witness knows and has spoke about all the way through the interview. How many Police Forces up and down the country wouldn’t have just once asked “was Micky Teal one of those that came up to you”? NEVER in any of his interviews and I know I’ve mentioned it in my previous Blogs Never was he asked that one simple question. WHY the fuck not peter? So all you fucking idiots that for years have thought I did it and got away with it. Start taking note this investigation was flawed from the start and it was flawed quite simply because of the ineptitude of the prats conducting the inquiries. If peter newton had taken his blinkers off and taken the cotton wool out that he had stuffed in his fucking ears then maybe someone would be serving time for the Murder of Anthony Gorman. If you don’t like what I’m saying peter go ahead and fucking sue me I don’t care!!
If there’s anything I’m qualified on it’s the Tony Gorman Murder, I could get a degree in it. I’ve studied it that much. Anyway back to Sewell, he mentions he thought one of them was eating something chips or a kebab in a white wrapper. In any other Murder investigation this may be a new line of inquiry a new lead to follow but in this one it’s discarded probably like the wrapper itself. Why? Cos it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t implicate me of course. newton and frost might as well of being sitting there with i Pods on cos they weren’t listening to a fucking word Sewell said. He even tried to throw in the possibility that whoever had knocked Gorman down the stairs outside the club may be involved but that was skirted over. Sewell’s hands are mentioned quite a lot and it was months later when I saw pictures of them that I could fully understand why. If he did those punching walls then he obviously has no nerve endings in his hands. They were swollen beyond believe they looked as though someone had drove over them with a bus. They weren’t the same as when I had taken the piss out of Sewell by squeezing them. He has an injury to his head he explains away as messing about
How did you get that other cut? I know you've obviously got the one with stitches in, what about the other side of your head? Where did you get that from?
The mark....
It's not a cut, it's just a mark. You've got a mark over your left eye as well on the forehead. A bit hi... a bit mo.... further out towards the temple. There.
There that's it.
Yeah it goes across here look.
That's it, that's it.
Probably done it messing about, I don't know, probably done it, I don't know how I done it.
Cause didn't you say to Micky when you was telling him about this problem you'd had in the toilet, did you say, have I got a black eye?"
Yeah I said to him, have I, have I got a black eye?"
Had you been hit in the eye?
No I was pushed up against a wall.
When I got pushed up against a wall. Well I haven't got a black eye.
Now do you know anything more about this lad who pushed you up against the wall?
Did you say something back to him I mean if you did I mean...
I, I… I probably just said to him, "Alright then," you know, "Leave it out;" or "That ain't got nothing to do with you this is my mate Tony;" or something like that.
But Tony was talking to this lad.
Who was talking to......
And they were, they were okay, there was no problem with them?
No and Tony just got a bit of the hump with me because I said, -"Come on Ton, let's go downstairs now." And he said, "Look Gary;" he said, "This bloke was friendly with my brother who died;" he said, "I just thought I'd talk to him about my brother."
So he remained there talking did he?
So wh... what point did you then go and hit the wall?
Well that bloke pushed me up by the toilets and you know what I mean I was angry so I just hit the wall by the stairs....

Another opportunity lost. If you have a mark over your eye you don’t know about so you say probably done it messing about. If he had said I did it I would understand that. But messing about I don’t think so cos he then tries to blame this mystery bloke in the toilets, who incidentally is never discovered. Another thing I’ll just throw in, Robert White the other friend of Sewell and Gorman is also assaulted later that night in Norfolk St. Are any of these assaults linked by the Police or even investigated? Don’t be bloody stupid. Three men all out together in the Cellar Bar all assaulted that night one dying. Is there a link? We’ll never know because yet again it wasn’t investigated.
Let me give you another example of how I know Sewell was lying. He’s asked did I say anything to him outside the Club just prior to me head butting him.
Did he say something to you? Did you say anything at all?
Let me have that bastard or something.
Or would it not have been something like, "Don't tell me how to do my job."?
Could have been something like that, yeah.
Well is that, was that said or don't you remember?
Well yeah, probably words to some effect and then I, I turned round and said to him about why, why do you want to sort of hit Tony, he just doing his job or something like that. You, you are right there. You are right.

So he’s gone from me saying “Let me have that bastard or something “to “Don’t tell me how to do my job." Completely different things. Gary Sewell was hiding something that night and the Police FAILED to find out what it was.
Again Sewell was asked about Karl Sxxxxxxn:
Well you obviously know Carl?
Yeah Carl.
Carl SxxxxxxN was down there.
Was he one of the three?
Are you absolutely certain? Are you absolutely certain?
Yeah that weren’t Carl.
Look, look definite. I mean look if, if you don't trying to protect people....
I'm not trying to protect no-one

So how was poor old Karl ever charged? Read on
If Sewell comes across to you as a man who has got nothing to hide than you’re as stupid as the idiots investigating this Murder.

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