Saturday 29 March 2008

The Blue and White Hooped Rugby Shirt

I'm not going to say too much about the statement, I've already mentioned there was statements to contradict Wither's saying he left at 12.30am. What I do want to talk about is all the people that came forward on his behalf, to say they had never seen poor old Gary wearing a blue and white hooped rugby shirt, EVER. Withers himself in his interviews under caution said he had only ever wore it once when it was first bought, about a year earlier. So when mummy, mummies partner, Gary's girlfriend and about ten or so of his good old honest buddies came forward in May to say they hadn't seen him wearing it. That was meant to throw weight to his defence and contradict Shelley Mitchelson's evidence. What it actually did, if you think about it logically, it damn near made it impossible for Shelley Mitchelson to be wrong. Unless of course she has "Uri Gellar" type powers and could guess what Gary fucking Withers had in his wardrobe!! I'm going to repeat myself because I think it is SO IMPORTANT. Gary Withers in his Police interviews insisted several times that he had only ever wore his blue and white hooped rugby shirt once when it was new over a year prior to the Murder. When interviewed by the Police in May not one of Gary's friends said they had ever seen him wear it. So somebody please tell me how Shelley Mitchelson manages to describe him wearing it? Did she sneak into his house and hang it in his pissing wardrobe? Of course not. Did the Police and Crown Prosecution Service fail to see this logic? Of course they did they missed everything else for God's sake!!

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